This is the year we’re KEEPING OUR RESOLUTIONS, RIGHT??

As you’re probably well aware by now, I do a lot of my working out at home. I have enough equipment in my tiny livingroom that I can make it work just fine, thank-you-very-much. So I don’t go to the commercial gyms MUCH (but I DO go sometimes, just to change things up a little).

However, not EVERYONE wants to work out at home, and this IS the time of year when a lot of people consider making a change in their life and getting out there to join a gym for the first time.

If that’s you, I say: GOOD FOR YOU!! Making that first step towards better health and fitness is the best first step I can think of towards improving your life!

I also know a lot of people consider it, then toss the idea aside. Or they consider it, go through with it, and forget about ever going back after a visit or two.New Years Resolutions


Intimidated by all the fit people there?

Fear of looking foolish if they don’t know what they’re doing?

Overwhelmed by so much new stuff to learn or that they feel they have so far to go from where they are currently?

Confusion about how to work the equipment?

Confusion about what exercises are the ones to concentrate on?

Confusion in GENERAL?

Yah, the gym can be an intimidating, scary, overwhelming and confusing place if you’ve never set foot in one before.

I know that Lifestyle changes can be a pretty big deal. So starting out with all that stuff in your head working against you makes it doubly hard.

So, in honour of all of us actually KEEPING OUR RESOLUTIONS THIS YEAR I’ve written a little letter to all of you, who might considering joining a gym, but finding the things in your head to be a pretty huge barrier.

If you’re relating to what I’m saying here, I hope this helps GET you in the gym, and KEEPS you there (if, of course, you’re not into the home workouts, like I am … bu that’s a post for another day).

Just for fun, I’ve written this from the perspective of the person you’ll be dealing with when you DO go join up. If I was the person you saw first, this is what I’d tell you as I showed you around your new gym (and any gym worth their fee is going to tell you pretty much all the same things):

Hello Newcomer. Welcome to the Gym!

So very nice to see you here. Let’s take a walk around and I’ll show you what we’ve got.

I know everything looks complicated when you first walk in here.

Busy GymOh, I know all the machines that do this and that look like you need some kind of degree to know how to run them, but don’t worry, I know you’re new so I’m going to show you how to use each piece of equipment that is right for YOU to use.

Oh, and did I mention that you don’t have to learn ALL of the machines and equipment. At least not right away.

First time out you’ll probably want to learn the basics and get going on a program written just for you and your goals. You can learn the other stuff as you go, as your programs change.

And another thing, not ALL of the machines are right for you anyway. Some of them are either the wrong size or have the wrong ROM (range of motion) for your body size. So don’t let the number of machines here intimidate you.

Since we’re on the subject of machines, let me tell you something I strongly believe:

Machines are great for someone JUST starting out, who has never exercised before but ultimately you want to work your way over to the free weights section. Free weights promote use of more muscles, better balance and stability as well.

Plus, free weights let you work with a range of motion that’s exactly right for YOUR body, and no one else’s.

How you move could be completely different from the guy standing next to you and machines generally all limit your range of motion so once you’re more experienced, try to concentrate mostly on the free weights.

And if you’re a woman, please don’t be afraid of the heavier weights.

No Pink DumbbellsSure, they’re heavy (that’s the point, isn’t it?) but if you don’t give your muscles some work they can FEEL then you won’t be affecting any change whatsoever in your muscles.

So, unless you are rehabilitating from an injury, please get heavier than the little pink 3lb dumbbells you find in most Ladies Areas. Try to see your way clear to working out in the big weight room with the guys and the serious women (and better equipment, I admit).

And, no just to allay your fears: you will not bulk up and look too muscular. Women just aren’t built that way, we don’t have nearly enough testosterone in our bodies to get big muscles like the men do. What you will accomplish, however, is a toned, trim and shapely looking body. That’s the goal, right?

Plus, if you add a little lean muscle to your body you’ll burn calories at an accelerated rate. Trained muscle burns more calories, even at rest, than untrained muscle does. So, that’s going to help you keep the fat at bay.

One final note as you step into your new gym.

Please don’t be intimidated by the other people here, no matter how buff they look and no matter how out of shape you THINK you look. Fit Girl

Everyone is here for the same reason, and that’s to get and keep in good shape. They are too focused on their own workouts to pay much attention to anything else.

And if they HAVE noticed you, then most likely they’re thinking “Good for you, taking action and getting in shape” and you’ve got their respect for taking the step towards better health.

So don’t be worried. Trust me, once you get over your initial fears and embrace the Gym you’re going to love the new you that you’re going to build here!

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle
If you need a good program to work this year, I highly recommend Tom Venuto’s “Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle.

The title says it all. Learn how to gain some fat-burning muscle and burn fat faster.

Sure, you should work out hard, but learn how to work out SMART, too!

Check it out here and see for yourself ==> Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

Get in there NOW and take another step towards keeping that New Years Resolution this year.

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Kill Cravings