Hi everyone!!

I had some thoughts today while I was doing my hillsprints that I just had to share with you, about FAT … more specifically different kinds of fat and what it takes to lose body fat as well as the concept of cutting out dietary fat in order to lose that body fat.

Plus, a quick (but by now, super boring) update about the computer and what HP is doing lately (hint: NOTHING… as usual).

Check out my opinionated views on Fat and more here:

Don’t forget to check out Rob Poulos’ Fat Burning Furnace fitness eBook. It’s a great book… a bit unconventional, and has definitely tons of worthwhile concepts and theories about Fast Fat Loss.

You can go here to check it out:

Fat Burning Furnace Book
Get Fat Burning Furnace

And, without further ado, here’s today’s Workout Song of the Day… this one is in honour of the hillsprints that I got under my belt today. I think you’ll be able to figure out the connection on your own, so I won’t elaborate!! LOL.

This is a great song for cardio though, in case you haven’t figured that part out yet!! ha ha!

IRON MAIDEN – Run To The Hills

Don’t forget, if you love it and want to grab it for your own workout collection, all you have to do is click on the “Buy” button on the sample player widget and it will gently take you by the hand and lead you over to Amazon where you can buy it, and start running and weight training with it blasting away just like I do!

That’s it for today, gang.

Don’t forget Canadians, no overindulging on Thanksgiving unless you’ve scheduled your ONE cheat meal this week on the same day that your Thanksgiving feast lands on. Let’s practice our restraint, shall we everyone? No one ever got thin or fit by pigging out every time they have an excuse to.

Have a fit, fun and happy weekend, and we’ll see you soon.