Hi everyone!!

Well, I’m back…

…after some massive computer trauma, that is… (I know, I know… AGAIN??! right? yep. believe it.)…

So today is a quick catch up on what the heck is going on with the computer trauma and another quick catch up on what I’m doing lately about these bum hamstrings of mine.

And THEN!!!

I figured out a cool new bodyweight move I can do here in my home workouts that actually kinda kicked my a$$ kinda hard last night (well, actually it’s great for your triceps)!!

So, I thought I’d share it with you in case you have similar limitations in your home for getting a good hit to your triceps.

So, let’s get on with it shall we?

Yah, I got carried away today… lots of things to cover and thanks to our friends at the video services who only allow 10 minute long video uploads, we’re a bit too long for one video today…

…so now for the part you’ve all been patiently waiting for my trauma catch-ups to be finished for me to get to … the actual work-out move:

And because this is a rocking bodyweight move, and we all know our friend Craig Ballantyne is the KING of the bodyweight workout, I’ve included a link here to his awesome Turbulence Training programs for anyone out there who wants to learn more cool moves like this that require little or NO equipment whatsoever.

Give it a look, you’ll learn a lot of great bodyweight moves you can do in the privacy of your own home from this guy!

Turbulence Training eBook

Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne

And as always, here’s a fantastic Workout Song of the Day… and also as usual, I found a way to tie it in to today’s post:

I’m frustrated, people!!

Frustrated by the computer issues, frustrated with my hamstring issues… just plain frustrated. So, James tells us how it feels to be Born Of Frustration!! Ha!

It’s also a fantastic weight training song, because poor James is just chock full of angst and emotion in this song. I love how I can translate that feeling in the song into strength in my workouts.

Give it a listen, the do like me: Just give ‘er!! LOL

James – Born of Frustration

Don’t forget, if you love it too (and have some FRUSTRATION to work out like I do), go grab this song cheap over at Amazon by clicking on the buy button on the player widget. They’ll set you up FAST (and did I mention? CHEAP!… only 99 cents for an mp3).

That’s it for today. Enjoy your new workout song, new home workout bodyweight workout move from me and your new Turbulence Training book from Craig !!!

Have a fit, fun and fabulous day, and we’ll see you again soon!