Hey gang!! How’s life? Mine’s nuts, as always.

The computer dudes think they finally fixed my laptop issues, after spending ALL DAY working on it (again). Let’s wait a while and see, shall we? I’ll believe it when I actually experience it.

In the meantime, I was just wondering if you do squats in your workout routines.

If not, why not? Get at it! No excuses on this one. Squats are an awesome bodyweight exercise that EVERYONE should be doing.

Uh, for you hard core lifters, yes you can do them weighted too, with almost anything really: dumbbells or a barbell or kettlebells or sandbags … you get it, I’m sure. Anything heavy will do …

And if you ARE already doing squats, then good for you.


Are you doing them correctly?

Keeping your knees safe?

Sticking your butt out like you’re supposed to?

Have you tested yourself in front of a wall? It’s a great benchmark test to make sure you have your body all lined up right.

Oh, never mind… here… let me show you:

Got it? Good. Moving on.

Here’s today’s Workout Song of the Day:

Nope, no tie in today … just that this is an absolutely KICK-ASS song for weight training.

Man, this guy has a voice that makes me all angry and strong (Weird, huh? … “Hey, do what it takes to get yourself there!!!” is all I can say).


MIDDLE CLASS RUT – I Guess You Could Say

Seriously angsty, eh? I love this song hardcore right now! It’s pretty new too, and you can grab it at Amazon in like two or three clicks of a mouse, so if this one moves you like it moves me, head over there and grab it for yourself.

That’s it gang. See ya soon. I gotta get back to installing software so I can get my computer back up to speed asap!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.