My Home Workout – More Sharesies!
Hey everyone!! Another strength training day today.
In my last post “Wanna Share Your Workout? I Just Did!” I shared the Day 1 from the workout I’m winding down.
It’s served me well, so I thought it worth sharing.
This is my Stack of Dumbbells, everthing from 3lbs (which I don’t use anymore for myself, but sometimes for clients with injuries), all the way up to 35lbs.
Plus my “Box of Snakes” (which is what I call the box I keep all my fitness bands in).
Yes, I still have a huge record collection. What can I say? I love music, and anyone who disrespects the vinyl is going to answer to me!! LOL
This is a four day routine, but day 1 and 3 are similar, as are day 2 and 4, so here’s Day 2 (and what I did today), so now you kinda get the gist:
Jumping Knee Raises (touch elbow to opposite knee) x 50
Breakdancers x 50
(yah, it’s a short warmup but I’m a busy chick and it gets my heartrate up and my muscles warm so it’ll do)
Main Workout: Mini SuperCircuit Laddered (ie, increase the weight and/or decrease the reps with each set, NO REST between sets)
Standing Shoulder Press (2 x 15lbs dumbbells x 20 reps)
High Pulls (full body) (2 x 20lbs dumbbells x 20 reps)
Standard Deadlifts (2 x 25lb dumbbells x 20 reps)
I could go heavier but I only have dbs up to 35lbs and need somewhere to progress to in weight (see below)… must be time to buy 40s
no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water
Standing Shoulder Press (2 x 15lbs dumbbells x 15 reps)
High Pulls (2 x 20lbs dumbbells x 15 reps)
Standard Deadlifts (2 x 25lb dumbbells x 15 reps)
no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water
Standing Shoulder Press (2 x 20lbs dumbbells x 12 reps)
High Pulls (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 12 reps)
Standard Deadlifts (2 x 30lb dumbbells x 12 reps)
no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water
Standing Shoulder Press (2 x 20lbs dumbbells x 8 reps)
High Pulls (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 8 reps)
Standard Deadlifts (2 x 35lb dumbbells x 8 reps)
no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water
Standing Shoulder Press (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 5 reps)
High Pulls (2 x 30lbs dumbbells x 5 reps)
Standard Deadlifts (2 x 35lb dumbbells x 5 reps)
no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water
Standing Shoulder Press (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 3 reps)
High Pulls (2 x 30lbs dumbbells x 3 reps)
Standard Deadlifts (2 x 35lb dumbbells x 3 reps)
Just like in the Day 1 routine, by now I’m breathing pretty heavy.
So what do I do next?
Tricep Body Dips on the corner of my balcony (see picture or also this post: Computers, Hamstrings and New Home Workout Move)
Here’s where I do my Tricep Body Dips, the corner of my balcony.
Yep, I’m kind of high up so it took me some time to get used to looking down at the ground way down there.
I’m over it now.
I’m working on getting my numbers up. Right now I can do about 6 or 7 reps before I tap out, but I do that x 3 sets.
Then, I do some standing alternating Bicep Curls 3 x 10 reps each side with the 25lb dbs… not easy, lemme tell ya.
Then I do my mandatory 1 set x 10 reps of Glute Ham Raises and 1 set x 20 reps of Glute/Ham Hip Lifts like I explained last time, for my stupid hamstrings that always give me so much trouble.
Sometimes I superset my Balcony Body Tricep Dips with my Glute Ham Raises and Hip Lifts and Bicep Curls… just so I don’t have to sit around waiting, I can work something else while the tired part of me rests! Saves time, and that’s what I’m all about these days.
Then Core
Prone Leg Thrusts x 30 reps
Oblique dumbbell twists x 30 reps (holding a 10lb db, but it’s definitely time to increase that weight)
Hanging Knee Lifts (I hang from my pull-up bar) x 30 reps
Oblique Crunches (touch hand to heel) x 30 reps each side
Prone Bicycle (elbow towards opposite knee) x 100 reps total (50 each side)
Bench Pull-ins (pull your legs up to your chest) x 30 reps
And finally…
Opposite Raises x 10 reps (hold for 3 secs each)
Ab Vacuums 5 x 20 seconds held and 5 x 30 seconds held (usually done while I’m in the kitchen prepping my post workout snack)
Then I hit the computer or help some clients through their routines for the rest of the day knowing my personal own ass-kicking is done for the day!
Next week I’ll be moving on to a new routine. As of Sunday, this one will be in the history books.
What’s your workout today? I REALLY WANT TO KNOW…
So POST BELOW in the Comments box and let’s learn from each other.
Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.
January 22nd, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Ok, I see you say no one else wants to share their workout….. then please let me share mine. Here are my last 3 although you may have already seen them. Yesterday I tried Suitcase DL’s for the very first time and LOVED them. I don’t think I could do your dips! Too close to the edge for my liking. eeeeeek. Another nice workout btw.
ps- you mentioned standard DL’s with DB’s on your shoulders??? Did u forget to delete this bit from your squat workout template or am I missing something?
January 22nd, 2010 at 8:07 pm
HAHA! Shoot. I forgot to delete something. :-) gonna do that now so there’s no confusion (or injuries)… thanks for calling my attention to that.
and THANKS FOR SHARING!!! I appreciate it.
To the rest of ya, hmphf.
January 22nd, 2010 at 8:12 pm
No probs. Thank YOU! I read your last workout and recognised the format, hence assuming you had forgotten to delete one part. Have a great weekend. I will look forward to the next installments.
January 22nd, 2010 at 9:47 pm
Hey J! Its Saturday late morning here and weekend mornings means badminton and tennis in the evenings.
Apart from basic warm-up which consisted to 100 sit-ups and 200 rope-jumps, I went to play. Anyways, I am back now and sipping a refreshing protein shake. The shoulders take a beating and are a bit sore. But still this is my workout plan for now
Shoulder bar (sitting)front presses
total weight
15lbs X 12 reps
20lbs X 15 reps
25lbs X 15 reps
30 second rest
Shoulder back presses
Repeat same weight
Standing Dumbbell presses
20lbs X 10
10 second rest
4 sets
Triceps and biceps but with constant weight – 20 lbs. Around 6 pm i’m off to play tennis which is pretty tiring!
This year, I have moved towards a different workout pattern. Very slowly but steadily the progression is towards endurance rather than mass. I also travel on my bike a lot. That is a mode of travel unless I have a meeting to attend which is when the car comes out. LOL.
Well, there you go. Have a great weekend. Cheers :-)
January 22nd, 2010 at 9:53 pm
first-what are breakdancers?
second-here was my workout today
walk/jog with the dog first thing
leg day-
Dumbbell squats super set leg extensions
Set 1-2x 5K dbs x15 & 20Kx15
Set 2-2x 7.5K dbs x 12 & 20k x 12
Set 3- 2x 10k dbs x 12 & 20 x 12
Set 4- same as set 3
Lying leg curls super set straight leg db dead lifts
4 sets 12.5k x 12 on curls
And 2x 7.5k dbs x 12
Donkey calf raises
4 sets of 25 with John sitting on my back (92K)
2 rounds of tabata thrusters-squat w/shoulder press out the top (4 minutes each round…20 seconds on 10 seconds rest) w/5Kdumbbells 2 minute rest between the 4 minute rounds
2 sets
vertical knee raises-straight legs x 10
crab crunches-legs in air shooting feet to ceiling x 24
bicycles x 20
there ya go!
January 22nd, 2010 at 9:58 pm
I just remembered-the leg extensions were holding for count of 3 at the top for 8 reps then 4 fast ones to finish each set..
January 22nd, 2010 at 10:00 pm
YUM!! thanks Raechelle!! Glad to see we’re all playing along now!! haha
Breakdancers are like Mountain Climbers except you twist your body so your foot lands near the opposite hand, not the same hand. they’re GREAT for heartrate and core!!
January 22nd, 2010 at 10:01 pm
aw, man. I’m jealous of you guys who live in a place where its warm enough to play tennis all year round… or more importantly, GO TO THE BEACH all year round!! LOL. Thanks Shri!! love it!!
January 29th, 2010 at 11:01 am
This is probably a goofball question, but when you say “Standing Shoulder Press (2 x 15lbs dumbbells x 20 reps)… what is the 2? Is that 2 sets or is it 2 dumbbells?
I just started working out, so this will sound very light weight to you. But I was huffin and puffin, so I’m good.
My workout this morning:
Warm-up – run on treadmill med-fast 4 mins and then do some upper body stretches (cause I’m gettin old.)
Circuit – 3 sets each, 1.5 min rest between sets
reverse lunges: 3lb x 12 reps
one arm dumbbell row: 12lb x 12 reps/arm
squat press: 12lbs x 10 reps
pull-ups: 12 assisted
bench press: 13lbs x 12 reps
step-up: 0lbs x 12 reps
2 arm dumbbell swing: 15lbs x 15 reps
Lying Leg thrusts: 2sets x 7
reverse crunch: 2sets x 7
hanging knee tuck: 2sets x 7
alternating crunch: 1set x 15
bench crunc: 1seet x 15
Lastly, like you I am a runner. Well, now I “was” a runner. I’ve had massive foot problems of late, all due to shoes that needed replacing and I just didn’t get to it in time. You and I are about the same age, so make sure you change up your shoes OFTEN! I am now trying to be a swimmer which is hell, but I’m starting to like it.
January 29th, 2010 at 11:03 am
the 2 is 2 dumbbells. Pretty hard to do shoulder presses with just one dumbbell! LOL
just how long did you go without replacing your shoes? I know guys that do barefoot running. Are you sure there isn’t something more fundamental going on than just worn shoes? I trust you’ve seen your doctor?
thanks for sharing, that looks like a good one!
January 31st, 2010 at 1:56 am
Hi Jackie
Thanks for your regular posts. One thing I realised when I saw your workouts is that I could very well be selling myself short in the intensity and effort of my workouts
Thought I would represent the guys and post my work out.
Cape Town
South Africa
Upper Body Heavy
25-30Jan2010 x2 sessions Mon&Fri
Incline dumbbell press
1. weight x 12reps x 1set
rest 1 min
2. weight +?kg x 10reps x 1set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
3. weight +?kg x 8reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
4. weight +?kg x 6reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
Bench Press 5. weight @2 x 12 reps x 2 sets no rest in between sets
rest 2min
Close grip push down
1. weight x 12reps x 1set
rest 1 min
2. weight +?kg x 10reps x 1set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
3. weight +?kg x 8reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
4. weight +?kg x 6reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
Seated Dumbbell extensions
5. weight @2 x 12 reps x 2 sets no rest between sets
Rest 2 minutes
Bent over raises
1. weight x 12reps x 1set
rest 1 min
2. weight +?kg x 10reps x 1set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
3. weight +?kg x 8reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
4. weight +?kg x 6reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
Seated Push ups 5. weight @2 x 12 reps x 2 sets no rest between sets
Rest 2 minutes
Wide Grip pull down
1. weight x 12reps x 1set
rest 1 min
2. weight +?kg x 10reps x 1set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
3. weight +?kg x 8reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
4. weight +?kg x 6reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
5. weight @2 x 12 reps x 2 sets no rest between sets
Rest 2 minutes
Incline dumbbell curls
1. weight x 12reps x 1set
rest 1 min
2. weight +?kg x 10reps x 1set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
3. weight +?kg x 8reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability);
rest 1 min
4. weight +?kg x 6reps x 1 set (add ?kg, to previous weight depending on your ability)
rest 1 min
Preacher Curls
5. weight @2 x 12 reps x 2 sets no rest between sets
Rest 2 minutes
I haven’t put in the weights that I use because I find that people tend to compare and compete (especially guys) and they sell themselves short if they are stronger than what I am and the weaker ones become demoralised. The mentally strong and people with great self esteem, who are in the minority, use both positive and negative to spur them on to greater heights.
January 31st, 2010 at 11:51 am
WOW!! right on Michael. That’s a great one, and thanks so much for sharing.