Hey everyone!! You guys all know by now that I do most of my workouts at home, right?

I do have a gym membership but barely ever use it (it’s cheap so it’s certainly not worth canceling so I have the freedom to go use their equipment when the mood strikes me, which it does occasionally).

I prefer to just wander into my livingroom and grind out a workout and then get back on with my day without the hassle of driving to/from the gym searching for a locker and waiting for the popular equipment.

ANYWAY… Life’s been busy and I’ve been slacking on changing up my routine lately, mostly because I never seem to have the time to write MYSELF new programs (mostly cuz I’m too busy writing fun stuff for my clients).

So, cutting to the chase here: I finally found time to write myself a new weight training program so I’ll be changing things up next week.

Therefore, since this particular workout has served me so well for the past few weeks I thought I’d share some of it with you today.

This is a four day routine, so Friday’s and Sunday’s workouts are going to be different than this, but here’s what I did today:


Jumping Jacks x 50
Mountain Climbers x 50
(yah, it’s a short warmup but I’m a busy chick and it gets my heartrate up and my muscles warm so it’ll do)

Main Workout: Mini SuperCircuit Laddered (ie, increase the weight and/or decrease the reps with each set, NO REST between sets)

Flat Bench Chest Press (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 20 reps)
Standing Bent-Over Rows (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 20 reps)
Squats (2 x 25lb dumbbells held on shoulders x 20 reps) – first set always hurts like hell

no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water

Flat Bench Chest Press (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 15 reps)
Standing Bent-Over Rows (2 x 25lbs dumbbells x 15 reps)
Squats (2 x 25lb dumbbells held on shoulders x 15 reps)

This is my bench! A sturdy coffee table with a couple of pillows and a towel and I’m good to go!

This is my bench! A sturdy coffee table with a couple of pillows and a towel and I’m good to go!

no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water

Flat Bench Chest Press (2 x 30lbs dumbbells x 12 reps)
Standing Bent-Over Rows (2 x 30lbs dumbbells x 12 reps)
Squats (2 x 30lb dumbbells held on shoulders x 12 reps)

no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water

Flat Bench Chest Press (2 x 30lbs dumbbells x 8 reps)
Standing Bent-Over Rows (2 x 30lbs dumbbells x 8 reps)
Squats (2 x 30lb dumbbells held on shoulders x 8 reps)

no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water

Flat Bench Chest Press (2 x 35lbs dumbbells x 5 reps)
Standing Bent-Over Rows (2 x 35lbs dumbbells x 5 reps)
Squats (2 x 35lb dumbbells held at sides x 5 reps)
(35lbs x 2 dumbbells is just a bit too heavy for me to get up or hold on my shoulders without assistance)

no rest if possible except for a quick drink of water

Flat Bench Chest Press (2 x 35lbs dumbbells x 3 reps)
Standing Bent-Over Rows (2 x 35lbs dumbbells x 3 reps)
Squats (2 x 35lb dumbbells held at sides x 3 reps)

OUCH! By now I’m breathing pretty heavy. So what do I do next? PULL-UPS!! LOL

I’m working on turning my grip around. Up until now I’ve been doing chin-up grip (palms facing me) because that was the most I could manage.

I've got a Pull-up Bar installed in the doorframe to my bedroom.

I've got a Pull-up Bar installed in the doorframe to my bedroom.

Today I did about 5 reps with my hands at the very far edges of my pull-up bar with my hands in the proper pull-up grip (palms facing away from me)… not all at once, but I did them.

Plus I did 3 sets x 5 reps of chin-up grip with my hands as wide apart as possible.

When I get tapped on doing them from a full hang, I do them from a standing position then go VERY slowly on the downward movement, working the eccentric instead.

That little tactic has really helped me get my strength up for the proper pull-up grip.

Then, tricep cable pull-downs using a fitness band with a door anchor 3 x 20 reps.

Of course I have to give my grumpy hamstrings some attention so I also do 1 set x 10 reps of Glute Ham Raises (I anchor my feet under the couch so I don’t need a partner to hold my feet down).

Plus I also do some Glute/Ham Hip Lifts with my feet on the coffee table (aka my bench) – 1 set x 20 reps. Those hamstrings of mine really do need some strengthening. Those exercises hurt. And they’re not even that hard. Eventually I hope to see a marked improvement in my grouchy hamstrings.

Then Core.

Prone Leg Lifts x 30 reps
Oblique dumbbell twists x 30 reps (holding a 10lb db, but it’s definitely time to increase that weight)
Prone Hip Lifts (with a twist at the top of the movement) x 30 reps
Oblique Leg Raises x 30 reps each side
Twisting Crunches (elbow towards opposite knee) x 30 reps each side
Bench Pull-ins (pull your legs up to your chest) x 30 reps

Opposite Raises (like Bird Dogs but not on your knees, from your feet) x 10 reps (hold for 3 secs each)
Ab Vacuums 5 x 20 seconds held and 5 x 30 seconds held (usually done while I’m in the kitchen prepping my post workout snack)

Back to work. :-)

If anything here needs more explaining, just ask, I’ll elaborate!

What’s your workout today? Let’s share!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.