Hey everyone. I’ve got your Weekend Update!!

And this time it’s Breaking News!!!

Okay, well maybe not. But here it is anyway:


Magic Pill

Shocking, I know!

Okay, maybe not so shocking.

But just in case you’re considering buying something that’s promising you some miraculous way to get fit or lose weight, wrap your head around what I just told you because I’m about to tell you even more of the ugly truth and you aren’t going to like it.

The equation for getting and staying healthy and fit is simple … but there is ONLY ONE equation. And it doesn’t include gimmicky machines, pills or potions that promise fast fat loss and health without any work or effort whatsoever.

There is no quick way to melt fat and keep it off just by ingesting some crazy concoction made from some ‘as yet unheard of‘ but NEWLY DISCOVERED substance.

Do you really think that ingesting something that contains calories of ANY sort will help you to burn calories faster?

Nope, sorry, uh uh, not gonna happen. All that stuff does is just add MORE calories to your already too-high daily caloric intake.

Listen, it all boils down to the basic fact that you must burn more calories than you eat. End of story.

So, how do we do this?

We do this by NOT EATING SO DANG MUCH, not by consuming crazy potions (or dare I say it: supplements) which only ADD to that calorie count you’re trying to keep under control. Avocado

Eat whole, natural, HEALTHY and REAL foods that keep you feeling fuller longer and you’re going to win the battle.

Every single product out there that appears to promise quick fat loss merely by eating or drinking their product is a SCAM!

Okay, now that we have that clear, let’s move on to exercise.

I know exercise is hard and sweating feels uncomfortable and you WISH you could get a workout in, in only 4 minutes maximum a day but I’m here to tell you that WILL NEVER WORK.

It doesn’t matter what machine or contraption it is, if it’s promising that you only have to work out for 4 minutes a day, or that you can work out just by sitting or lying around, they are misleading you badly and deserve to be spanked … no, scratch that … they deserve to be SUED!!

You MUST move your ENTIRE body a LOT in order to truly get fit and healthy. Fat Belly

The human body was designed to move: hunt, gather, run from predators and all that stuff the cavemen used to do. If we don’t give our bodies a chance to do any of that, eventually our muscles get small and weak from under-use, the fat settles in, and here we are: the society we are now, experiencing an OBESITY EPIDEMIC.

Yes, it’s hard to hear. People nowadays seem to have their heads in the sand about what it really takes to realize good health. People also seem to be always looking for the ‘easy way out‘ these days.

When it comes to health and fitness there IS NO EASY WAY OUT. I’ll stomp my foot if I have to in order to convince you but I can’t be emphatic enough about this.

When it comes to wasting your money and regretting it later, don’t let yourself be a statistic. Save your money when it comes to gizmos and unbelievable promises of fast fitness and quick fat loss.

Eat the right foods for maximum energy and nutrients, and not too much of it. Work out to help burn even more calories than you’re ingesting and watch the fat melt.

Put your heart into following the only equation that really works: Calories In < Calories Out.

And pour that money you’re so eager to spend on something that DOES work: Proper workout gear and clothing, so you can get out there and get busy working off those calories.

Find ways to eat less calories. There’s lots of ways to accomplish calorie restriction, from monitoring your daily intake, to Intermittent Fasting (yes, it works … I do it all the time and it’s a great way to keep your weekly calorie count in check, especially if you know you have an upcoming event and a big calorie day).

And, YES, it IS that simple.

It may not always be easy.

But it IS simple.

As a matter of fact, it’s a complete no-brainer. Eat Less + Move More = Shrink Your Body.Magic Top Hat

And don’t let yourself be duped by those nasty scammers …

… because now you know the only “MAGIC” that exists when it comes to Fitness and Weight Loss is the Magic Formula I just told you:

Eat Less + Move More = Shrink Your Body.

Oh and by the way: the programs that I promote on this site are ALL programs that will help you do one, or the other… or both.

I’ve used them all and the only reason they get to appear on my site is because they’re all KICK-ASS PROGRAMS THAT WORK!

(the ones that don’t keep their promises don’t get to play here at Girlwithnoname.com and I’ll never recommend that stuff to you … it’s important to me that you don’t invest in anything but the best)

So …

Need to “Eat Less“?

Check out Eat Stop Eat. It’s all about the practice of Intermittent Fasting that I mentioned earlier. I do it all the time, and it’s an easy way to keep your calories in check without changing your lifestyle.

Or, check out Fat Burning Kitchen if fasting isn’t for you but you do want to eat optimally for better health, energy and maximum fat burning.

(I actually combine the what’s recommended in Fat Burning Kitchen with the Eat Stop Eat recommendations for maximum benefit. Not every day is the same and life needs to be lived. Some days you just have to, want to or need to deviate from your usual daily nutrition program and I make up for those days with an Intermittent Fast here and there … and that’s why combining the two works so well for me)

Older Guy Building Muscle

Need to “Move More“?

Check out The Truth About Six Pack Abs for some extremely effective workouts. It’s what got me started on my path to great abs and I recommend it highly for anyone, from beginners just getting started to advanced trainers who want to step it up a notch and see those abdominals shine through.

If access to gym equipment is a problem for you, then Turbulence Training is the one you’re looking for. Bodyweight workouts DO work and they ARE effective. I do them all the time and recommend them to clients with these limitations regularly.

Or, if you’re already working out as a lifestyle and want to ramp it way up with a VERY serious muscle building program then The Burn the Fat Body Transformation System is what you need.

(And ladies, please don’t be afraid to build muscle, it goes a LONG way to getting that lean and toned look and you will NOT “bulk up”… Want proof? Do I look “bulky” to you?)

And, if you’re not sure if any of these or something else you see here on my site is best to help you reach YOUR goals, feel free to CONTACT ME HERE or post in the comments box below and I’ll help you choose the one that’s just right for you.

Have a great workout, and a fit, fun and fantastic weekend!