I have a pet peeve.

It’s a pretty big one.

Wanna know what it is?

Well, since you asked, I’ll tell you.

It’s people that ask me how to do something (like get as fit and lean as I am, for instance), then respond in the middle of my explanation with “Yah, but … (insert ‘excuse of the day’ here).

GROWL !!!No Excuses

“Yah, but …”

Another way of saying “I hear you but I want you to tell me how to do it AND let me have all my bad habits, too …


Those of us who CARE about our goals and are COMMITTED to getting them don’t make excuses.

We don’t say “Yah, but …”

Sure, maybe we don’t WANT to work out every day. Maybe we don’t WANT to eat broccoli instead of ice cream …

But we shut up and we DO IT ANYWAY.

We know that “Yah, but…” doesn’t get us ANYWHERE, and certainly doesn’t help us reach our goals.

Alright. Did you recognize yourself in that little diatribe?

Do you find yourself saying “Yah, but…” a lot?

Does it usually sound like this: “Yah, but I don’t know HOW to cook or eat for fat loss and muscle gain” ?!

Well, you’re in luck because I have the EXACT RESOURCE YOU NEED to learn how …Anabolic Cooking Cookbook

Anabolic Cooking – The Cookbook” by my friend “The Muscle Cook” Dave Ruel will teach you everything you need to know about cooking for optimum fat loss and muscle building.

Hundreds of Delicious, Nutritious, Healthy, Fat Loss and Muscle Building Recipes.

C’mon! What else do you need in a cookbook anyway?

Grab your copy right now, and get started creating healthy, nutritious and DELICIOUS dishes to help you REACH your goals (not sabotage them).


Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Secrets of Fitness Models