Sleep! I need some badly!

I’m experiencing the effects of Sleep Deprivation today.

Too much coffee too late in the day yesterday = not getting to sleep until past 4am last night.Get Enough Sleep

I’m floating through this day on 4 hours of sleep …

It was supposed to be an “Interval Training” day today.

Yah, I went anyway.

Even though I felt ‘okay’ as I left for the running path, my workout suffered … pretty badly.

Funny, I thought that the workout would wake me up. And it did. But that didn’t help me get a good workout in …

Getting enough sleep is a pretty important part of getting a good workout.

As much as I thought I could power through it anyway (and I did power through it), my workout wasn’t as good as it could have been… by a significant amount.


But, even though I was more or less brain-dead during my Intervals today, one of my favourite fitness tools helped me get it done right without any thinking, calculating or watching the clock. Gymboss

GymBoss makes a kick-ass interval timer, with a STRONG vibe function. So I just set it and did what it told me to do.

Good thing I had it or I probably would have been a lot messier trying to keep my intervals timed properly.

Grab yourself one here ==> Get a GymBoss Interval Timer

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Secrets of Fitness Models