Aaaah!! That felt goooood!

Just got finished my run and thought I’d whip the camera out and show you the place I’ve been talking about where I do my ‘end-of-run’ pull-ups on the shower contraption at the beach.

And, I’d love to hear from you.

I think my form is kinda sloppy. What do you think?

Any tips for getting those pull-ups done without looking like I’m flailing? lol

Thanks in advance, if so…

Btw, we know what a great full-body exercise Pull-ups are, right?

Don’t believe me?

Try one and feel your core engage. No joke!

I was surprised myself the first time I tried one (just for fun on my nephew’s monkey bars) and felt every muscle in my body tensing to help me get my chin over that bar.

Woman Doing Pull Ups

No wonder I’m so addicted to them now, huh?

You’ll really do some great isolation muscle building on your back, shoulders and arms with pull-ups, too! I HIGHLY recommend them to men AND women alike.

Think they’re too hard to master? They really aren’t as hard to master as you might think. It’s all a matter of progression.

Once you can do one, you’ll be surprised how fast you’ll be able to do TWO (and so on).

Starting out and can’t even get one done?

Try this:

Put your feet on a chair, box or bench either out in front of you, or behind you. Then pull yourself up to the bar using ONLY as much support as you need from your legs. Make your arms and back do as much of the work as possible. Practice that way until you don’t need the chair to pull yourself up ONCE. Then do ONE as often as you can until you can do TWO and build up like that.

Another way you can start out is work the ‘eccentric’ direction (down) instead of the ‘concentric’ direction (up). Simply JUMP up to the top position and then slowly (and admittedly slightly painfully) lower yourself to the bottom position until your arms are straight. Jump up again and slowly lower yourself to the bottom. Repeat until you can’t lower yourself with control anymore. Eventually you’ll train your muscles to handle the load and the feeling of the move until you can pull yourself up at least once.

Combine the two strategies to get yourself there even faster.

That’s how I did it, anyway!

Pull-ups!! I Love Them. You will too, once you’ve got them mastered. Trust me on that one!

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Secrets of Fitness Models