What music do you listen to when you work out?

Is it ACTUALLY suitable for working out?Get The Right Workout Music

Is it Hard?






Just plain Angsty? (my favourite!)

Or is it stuff you just LIKE to listen to?

Does THAT fact alone make it good for WORKING OUT?

Does it inspire Strength?



Or whatever you’re trying to accomplish in that particular workout?

And just how old IS your workout collection anyway?

Is it getting stagnant?

Maybe it’s time to change up your collection entirely? Or at least add some new or different stuff into your existing collection?

You’d be surprised what a difference FRESH music can make.

I discovered my collection was getting stagnant and possibly even holding me back:

And hey, since we’re talking about music today, how about we break out an old stand-by and resurrect the:

Workout Song of the Day !!!

Need something new to add to your collection? This is one of my new favourite cardio songs. The great beat and dreamy vocals take my head to far away places and turn my body to rubber and I can run like the wind while it’s playing.

Give it a listen then grab a copy for your collection by clicking on the “Buy” button on the player below:

Arcade Fire – Ready To Start

Love it? Yah, it’s a good one, right? Click on the Buy button on the player to add it your own collection right now …

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Holy Grail Body Transformation