I got back to working out today.

And, I went running yesterday.

If you’ve been following along lately you’ll know I went ahead and got super sick after a stint of working long hours and eating poorly. Let Fear Drive You

It’s all my own fault. I never should have turned my back on good nutrition, hectic schedule or not.

If you’re new here or missed that post here it is: I Got What Was Coming To Me

Anyway, as I said: In the past couple of days I’ve gotten back to working out and running. (yay!)

However, I may have gotten back to it a day or two earlier than I should have.

I was still feeling a little ‘iffy’ yesterday but a couple of things FORCED me out the door. I’ll tell you what the MAIN reason was in a minute.

One of the lesser reasons was CABIN FEVER. I was losing my mind just sitting around every day. My body wanted to move, so I went out and moved it.

But is cabin fever alone a good enough reason to go back to it before you’re really ‘ready’ and back in the pink of health?

It might be … and it might not be, and even though it HURT in the moment (2 weeks of being sedentary is hard to come back from without freaking your body out a little), it did me a LOT of good.

Sure, my hip flexors were screaming at me the entire run (too many days in a row just sitting on my duff, I think they may have shortened a little, and were extra tight that day)…

… and my glutes felt like knives were stabbing them with every step (same damn reason… too much inactivity and my strong muscles were starting to get a little saggy) …

… and I almost coughed up a lung (and a bunch of other gross stuff) at the end.

But that long cough felt GOOD … and it cleaned me out. And afterwards, I felt about 100 times better than before my run.

So, today I got back to lifting.

Again, it hurt and I wasn’t as strong as I’m used to being, but I’m glad I did it even if I WASN’T 100% back to ‘normal’ after my bout with the flu.Fear

But now, here’s the MAIN reason I went back to it when I did:


I was starting to get really scared that my conditioning would start back-peddling and I’d lose everything I’d worked so hard for during the past few years.

And I didn’t want that.

! ! ! ~ I DO NOT WANT THAT ~ ! ! !

I let my fear drive me out the door to my workouts when I was CLOSE but not quite 100% back to feeling healthy.

But the workouts got me the rest of the way there.

I now feel 100% healthy. Yah, damn … I still have a small irritating cough, but the rest of me is perfect.

I let my FEAR of losing what I’ve worked SO hard for drive me.

And that’s not a bad thing.

It’s a mindset thing. When you have it, you HAVE it…

… and nothing but NOTHING is going to stop you from reaching your goals.

ESPECIALLY not a stupid and lengthy bout with a seasonal bug.



It’s an interesting emotion, isn’t it?

Fear can actually PREVENT you from doing the RIGHT things, too.

Like, fear of the GYM …

I mean, who the hell ISN’T afraid of the intimidating muscle-heads that hang out there all bloody day hogging the equipment and leaving their sweat all over everything for YOU to mop up before you can use your favourite equipment?

Sound like you a little bit??

Are you letting your fear of (or blatant HATE for) the gym prevent you from getting in shape?Jackie in Good Shape

Yah, that USED to be me, too.

I had no clue how to do it without a gym and I hated the gym.

So I didn’t go.

And so, I got fat. And miserable.

Then I smartened up and figured out how to do it properly WITHOUT a gym. And look at me now !!

~ And NOW I bust out every single one of my ‘get ripped without a gym’ secrets. Go HERE to learn them and SCREW THE GYM !! ~

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.