It can be a great time to get lots of working out done.

Lots of light in the evenings and warmer weather make for new, fun activities like swimming, running outdoors, cycling … or …

Summer Patio Drinking

… sitting on a patio drinking wine, going out til late with friends, staying up even later with guests over and even more refreshing wine trying to stave off the heat wave…

Yes, Summer CAN be a time to NOT workout out AT ALL.

Yah, that’s been me the past week, for all the reasons listed above, and then some.

Now it’s time to get back on track.

OUCH !!!

Is enjoying a fun time skipping out on the workouts and proper nutrition a reason to just say ‘oh well, I blew it this week so screw it altogether‘ ??

NO ! Of course not.

It’s just a matter of finding that resolve within yourself to put up with the extra pain it takes to get back on track and keep going.

It feels good again pretty soon. And it’s sooooooo worth it in the end …

… besides it gives you the freedom to have another completely debaucherous week again maybe in a few months without too much guilt about it, right? ;-)

And learning HOW to get back on track and what it takes to counteract that debauchery is a good lesson to learn for enjoying life in the future.

If you can cheat like mad but know exactly what you need to do to eliminate the effects of that big cheat immediately afterward, think of how much freedom that gives you in life!!!

So don’t let a momentary lapse in resolve and big fall off the wagon KEEP you off the wagon.

Just jump back on and get on with it.

Whether you ‘feel like it’ or not.

You’ll be glad you did.

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

If you’re doing Interval Training or Circuit Training (or even just exercises
like timed planks), you NEED a timer. This one is my favourite:

Get Gymboss