Something interesting happened recently during one of my workouts.

It actually changed my perception of the way I work out (for the better).

The other day, I was out getting in a challenging HIIT session (high intensity interval training).Challenge Yourself

I was doing :30/:30 sprinting/walking.

I THOUGHT I was working maximally during the sprinting intervals.

But then something happened, and I realized I so WASN’T.

Funny what your mind will let you believe. Until a bigger challenge comes along.

Here’s what transpired…

You may also not be working as hard as you think you are during your workouts. The mind can be a tricky thing.

The more intensity you can pour into your workouts, the better (and faster) your results are gonna be.

So try to find ways to challenge yourself differently, or add additional intensity to your workout.

You may surprise yourself by having more in the tank than you thought you had.

If you can tap into that extra ‘hidden’ energy, you’ll reap the benefits of faster results.

And, oh yah … Gymboss Timers

… if you haven’t gotten yourself a good interval training timer yet, get yourself a Gymboss Timer (it’s the best workout timer I’ve ever come across).

Get one here:

Gymboss Interval Timers

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

Get Gymboss