
Because it’s telling us EXACTLY THE WAY IT REALLY HAPPENS !!

Hard to Stop

It’s true, ya know.

You stick with something long enough, eventually momentum takes over and it stops being something you ‘MUST’ do, and becomes something you ‘JUST DO’ or even have an inherent ‘NEED’ to do.

This is exactly how it worked for me.

At first it was hard to start, always trying to talk myself into it, always wishing I had an excuse NOT to.

But I stuck with it.

And now it’s part of what makes me ME. It’s a habit. Maybe it’s even an addiction …

I don’t find it hard to start. I barely even think about it. I certainly NEVER entertain thoughts of stopping anymore.

I actually DO find it almost impossible to stop now.

Trust the process. Stick with it. Eventually you’ll find it hard to stop, too!

This really IS the way it happens …

Have a fit, fun and fantastic day.

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