Hey Chicks!! Yep, sorry guys, this post is for the ladies only.

So, listen girlfriends, I need your assistance.

I’m going to be interviewing a super-smart guy I know in the fitness industry exclusively about FITNESS FOR WOMEN.


What do you think? –> Do us ladies have special circumstances, hurdles and goals that make our workouts different from what the guys do?
Women Working Out
So let me have it with both barrels:

* What is YOUR biggest fitness question?

* What are your hassles when it comes to getting fit?

* What are your goals when it comes to working out?

* Are you looking to add muscle? Lose fat? Maintain what you’ve already got going on?

* What are your biggest concerns surrounding fitness and working out?

* What are your BIGGEST OBSTACLES when it comes to getting and keeping fit? Time? Money? Mindset? All of the above? … and WHY?

* What kinds of workouts do you do? Are they working? Why or why not?

* What causes your plateaus?

* Do certain exercises intimidate you? Or cause you fear of injury? What are they?

* What stops you from getting out the door on the days you just can’t get it together enough to get a workout in?

* And what about the workouts you’ve tried or are considering trying?

* Do you have any questions about different kinds of workouts and what they accomplish?

* What are your problem areas? Have you found the solution to those areas yet?   Or are you still looking?   What have you tried so far?

* Do you weight train? Why or why not? Do you have concerns about weight training?

* What about cardio? What do you do? Or do you hate it so much you don’t do it?

I want to hear your pain, your struggles, your agony!!

Give it to me straight and I’m gonna do my best to get your questions answered.

Leave your questions in the comment box below (or if you’re shy about your question, head over to my contact page and shoot me a personal email from there), and I’ll let you know when the interview is ready!


ps. don’t forget to sign up for my Inner Circle Newsletter. I’m gonna start pouring my heart out about what makes me tick in the New Year and it’s for my loyal Inner Circle people ONLY!!!